Microsoft Word

Attach Templates

The Normal.dotm is automatically attached to all new documents you create in Word. However, you can reattach a document to a template, regardless of which template is currently attached.

If you’re working with an existing document and want to convert it to your custom template, you can either attach the custom template to the existing document or create a new document based on the custom template and import or paste in the content of the existing document.

When you attach a custom template to the document, styles from the new template are available to the document. Attaching template doesn’t remove any styles, text, or graphics associated with the original template. To attach a template, follow these steps:

  1. Open the document.
  2. Choose File > Options.
  3. In the left pane of Word Options dialog box, click Add-Ins.
  4. In the right pane, choose Templates from Manage drop down menu and click Go.
  1. In the “Templates and Add-Ins” dialog box, click the Attach button, navigate to the template you want to attach, select the template, and choose Open.
  1. Select the Automatically Update Document Styles check box to apply styles automatically in your document.
    Note: Document text must be formatted with styles that have the same style names as those included in the newly attached template. If the style names are the same, Word will update the text formatting to match the newly attached template’s style formats.
  2. Click OK

If the style names are not same, see Replace Styles in Attached Template and Replace all instances of a style.

Replace template with Normal template

If you simply want to remove a template, or apply the Normal template to any document, follow these steps:

  1. Open the document.
  2. Click File > Options.
  3. In the left pane of Word Options dialog box, click Add-Ins.
  4. In the right pane, choose Templates from Manage drop down menu and click Go.
  5. In the Templates and Add-Ins dialog box, click in the Document Template text box and type Normal.

Click OK.

More Tutorials on “Using Word Templates”:

  1. Create a Template for a Document You Use Frequentl
  2. How to Use a Template Outside From the Default Templates Folder
  3. Attach Templates
  4. Replace Styles in Attached Template
  5. Transfer AutoText (AutoComplete) Entries Between Templates