Microsoft Word

Define new Multilevel list dialog box

For a multilevel list, you can change the numbering pattern or bullets by clicking the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group on the Home tab and then clicking the pattern you want. You also can define a custom pattern that fits to the requirements of your document by clicking the Define New Multilevel List from the menu. Microsoft Word will show the “Define new Multilevel list” dialog box, from which you can see how each level is composed.

Microsoft Word

Multilevel Lists

A multilevel list has more than one level. Using a multilevel list you can keep keep control of chapter numbers, headings, and subheadings in a document. You can use bullets or numbers to set up a multilevel list. The list is referred to as a numbered list if the first level contains numbers or letters and is referred to as a bulleted list if the first level contains a character other than a number or letter.

Microsoft Word

Create and Customize a Numbered List

Create a numbered list, modify the formatting, change the list type and numeric characters. Also manage the numbering so that the values start or restart as necessary.

Microsoft Word

Create and Customize Bulleted List

Learn how to: create a bulleted list, change bullets symbol, change the size and color of bullets, and define your own bullets.

Microsoft Word

Bullets and Numbering

Bulleted and numbered lists are applied to points, facts, paragraphs, or headings in documents. You can change the symbol of any characters used in a numbered or bulleted list, as shown in the following figure:

Microsoft Word

List Numbering using SEQ Fields

The SEQ field is used for creating sequence numbers. The field code {SEQ anyName} creates a sequence number in your document. You can substitute anything for SEQ field name.

Microsoft Word

Fix Numbering Problems in Numbered Lists

Word offers several ways to fix numbered list problems, for example, right-click a list and choose “Restart at 1” to tell Word to restart numbering for the list or choose “Continue Numbering” to tell Word to continue numbering for this paragraph.

Microsoft Word

Stop automatically update a style

When you select Automatically Update option for a style, any formatting change you make in a paragraph with that style is automatically saved to the style’s definition. The change then appears in all other paragraphs of the document that have the same style.

Microsoft Word

Embed Fonts in a Document

When you use a unique font in a document, the text formatted with that font may not display or print correctly on other users’ computers. To solve this problem, you can embed the fonts used in a document when saving.

Microsoft Word

Reveal and Compare Formatting

Learn how to use Reveal Formatting task pane to see all formatting applied to the selected text without needing to open individual dialog boxes to view font, paragraph or any other formatting. You also can compare the formatting of two selections to see their differences.