Microsoft Word

How Word’s formatting works

In this tutorial you’ll learn the best ways to apply formatting to your document.

Microsoft Word

Copy and Paste Formatting

Sometimes, you might find that you have text formatted exactly as you want it in one location, and you want to copy that formatting to text elsewhere in your document. To accomplish this, you can either create a style or use the Format Painter tool.

Microsoft Word

Change the Default Page Setup

Learn how to change the default page margins, paper size and layout settings (such as the header or footer position) on Normal.dotm template.

Microsoft Word

Change Default Font and Paragraph Settings

Learn how to change default font and paragraph settings for all documents in Normal.dotm teplate.

Microsoft Word

Paste Options

What happens when you paste a selection from the Excel sheet? Or an image with a caption? Or a web page? Learn how Word’s Paste Options work.

Microsoft Word

Adding Objects

How to embed or link PDF files, charts, presentations, notes, worksheets, audio and video clips that you want to include as part of a document.

Microsoft Word

Insert Text from Another Document

Learn how you can insert the contents of another document into the current document without copying and pasting it.

Microsoft Word

The Repaginate Command

When you open a long document, Word repaginates part of it, but the total number of pages is wrong.

Microsoft Word

Cross References

A cross-reference displays the specified information at a second location in the document. For example, you can use cross-references to insert the same text in several different parts of a document and keep the text updated in one part of the document.

Microsoft Word

Customize keyboard shortcuts

Learn how to assign keyboard shortcuts to macros, styles, fonts, building blocks, and symbols.