Microsoft Word

How to Show Bookmarks

Learn how to make bookmarks visible to prevent deleting them accidentally.

Microsoft Word


Bookmarks provide a handy means of accessing specific parts of a document. Using bookmarks you can move quickly from one part of a document to another.

Microsoft Word

Work in Two Parts of a Document at Once

Learn how to use the Word’s split-screen trick, if you often need to work in two parts of a document at the same time.

Microsoft Word

GoBack Command to Return to the Last Edit

Learn how to return back to the location where you were last working.

Microsoft Word

Replace Styles in Attached Template

Document text must be formatted with styles that have the same style names as those included in the newly attached template. If the style names are the same, Word will update the text formatting to match the newly attached template’s style formats. Learn how to replace styles that have different names.

Microsoft Word

Replace Formatting and Style

Learn how to use Microsoft Word’s Replace command to find each “Heading 2” style and apply the “Heading 1” style.

Microsoft Word

Customize Ribbon to add Auto Scroll command

The ribbon is the area of the screen that contains the tabs and command buttons. The ribbon is customizable, that is you can add or remove tabs and command buttons based on your preference. The easiest way to start is by right-clicking the Quick Access Toolbar, any blank area in the Ribbon, or any Ribbon tab, and clicking Customize the Ribbon

Microsoft Word

Scroll Automatically Through a Document

If you need to scroll through large chunks of text to get your bearings on what’s where. You don’t want to use the Navigation pane nor Outline view. You want to see the headings and figures in the document as you go.

Microsoft Word

Go To

Why isn’t there a way to find the next table, section, image, bookmark or heading etc.?

Microsoft Word

Document Map

The popular Word feature “Document Map” was removed from Word 2010 and replaced by the Navigation pane. The Navigation pane not only provides a means of navigating to any heading but also to any page or to any search term you enter.