Microsoft Word

Insert Text from Another Document

Learn how you can insert the contents of another document into the current document without copying and pasting it.

Sometimes you’ll want to insert one saved document into another document. For example, you might want to insert your quarterly reports so that you can edit them to create an annual report. In this situation, it would be tedious to have to select and copy the text of each report and then paste it into the annual document. Instead, you can have Word insert the existing documents for you. Let’s position the cursor where you want to insert the existing document and then:

  1. Click the Object arrow on the Insert tab’s Text group.
  2. In the list, click Text From File.
  3. The Insert File dialog box opens.
  4. Locate the file you want
  5. Click Insert button to insert it at the cursor.
Insert File dialog box

The contents of the selected document are inserted into the currently displayed document (and the originating document remains unchanged if you modify the contents in the current document).

The other option available when you click the Insert button’s drop-down arrow in the Insert File dialog box is Insert as Link. Use this option if the source file is being maintained separately and might change.