Microsoft Word

Scroll Automatically Through a Document

If you need to scroll through large chunks of text to get your bearings on what’s where. You don’t want to use the Navigation pane nor Outline view. You want to see the headings and figures in the document as you go.

I work on documents and need to scroll through large chunks of text to get my bearings on what’s where. I’ve tried using the Navigation Pane, but it doesn’t cut the mustard for me. And don’t suggest Outline view, either: I need to see the headings and figures in the document as I go.

Run AutoScroll Macro

Try Auto Scroll

Choose View > Macros > View Macros (or press Alt+F8), type autoscroll in the “Macro name” box, and press Enter or click the Run button. Word will display a “wait” cursor, but a shadowy double-headed vertical arrow will appear in the middle of the document window:

Double-headed vertical arrow shows the Auto-Scroll macro is running

Drag gently down (or up, if you want to scroll up) to start the scrolling. Drag further to scroll faster you may find the adjustment delicate if your computer has a fast processor and dual overhead camshafts or drag back the other way to slow, stop, or reverse the scrolling. Click or press Escape to turn off Auto Scroll.