Microsoft Word

Customize Ribbon to add Auto Scroll command

The ribbon is the area of the screen that contains the tabs and command buttons. The ribbon is customizable, that is you can add or remove tabs and command buttons based on your preference. The easiest way to start is by right-clicking the Quick Access Toolbar, any blank area in the Ribbon, or any Ribbon tab, and clicking Customize the Ribbon

If you like Auto Scroll, put its command on Quick Access Toolbar or Ribbon.

  1. Choose File > Options, and click Customize Ribbon (or click Quick Access Toolbar) from the left pane (as shown in above image).
  2. Choose Commands Not in the Ribbon from the “Choose commands from” dropdown menu.
  3. Select Main Tabs from the “Customize the Ribbon” dropdown menu.
  4. Select the View tab in the list of right side (under the Customize the Ribbon menu), click on the New Group button to create a new group within the tab you selected. Then select the newly created group and click on Rename to give it a name, such as, Auto Scroll.
  5. Select your custom group, Auto Scroll, in the list on the right side of the screen. Select the Auto Scroll command button from the list on the left side of the screen (under the Choose command from menu).
  6. Click on the Add button to add the Auto Scroll command to the Auto Scroll group.
  7. Click OK to confirm the change.

On viewing the View tab on the ribbon, you will see your new group and command button that you added.

Assign Keyboard Shortcut

You can also make your own keyboard assignments. Choose File > Options > Customize Ribbon, and then click the Customize button beside Keyboard shortcuts under the left-hand list. Assign Alt+P to the AutoScroll command. To assign keyboard shortcut:

Customize Keyboard
  1. Choose File > Options > Customize Ribbon.
  2. Click the Customize button to the right of Keyboard shortcuts, below the left list.
  3. The Customize Keyboard dialog box opens. Choose All Commands from the Categories list.
  4. Choose AutoScroll from the Commands list.
  5. Click in the Press new keyboard shortcut key box, and then press Alt+P (or any other key combination).
  6. Click Assign, close the Customize Keyboard dialog box, and click OK to close the Word Options.

If Word prompt to save changes to Normal.dotm template, click Yes to saving this change.