Microsoft Word

Document Map

The popular Word feature “Document Map” was removed from Word 2010 and replaced by the Navigation pane. The Navigation pane not only provides a means of navigating to any heading but also to any page or to any search term you enter.

The Navigation Pane expands the functionality of the Document Map by adding a live search feature, incorporating access to Find and Browse Object commands, and providing a one-stop-shop for all navigation techniques.

Press Ctrl+F or choose View > Navigation Pane to display the Navigation Pane and click Headings, which works similar to the Document Map feature at the left side of the window.

Click a heading in the Navigation Pane to jump to that page. You can expand or collapse the selected heading, or change the heading levels displayed, by right-clicking and choosing the appropriate command from the shortcut menu.

The Navigation Pane provides a quick means of jumping from heading to heading in your document.

The Navigation pane offers three different tabs that move you through the information in your document by one of these methods:

  • Headings
    This tab displays a list of headings in your document. Clicking on any of these heading will bring you directly to the point in the document where the heading appears.
  • Pages
    This tab displays thumbnail images of the pages in your document. You can move to a specific page by clicking on an image in this view.
  • Results
    This tab shows the results of a search performed using a word or text phrase you enter in the Search Document box.

To learn more about the Navigation Pane, visit Using Navigation Pane to Find Text.