Microsoft Word

The Repaginate Command

When you open a long document, Word repaginates part of it, but the total number of pages is wrong.

You might suspect that your system is slow but in fact, Word is spending your precious processor cycles on spell-checking and grammar-checking. Repagination can wait until squiggly underlines of both colors have been applied.

If your need for repagination is transitory, try one of the following:

  • Press Ctrl+End to go to the end of the document.
  • Choose View > Print Layout to force repagination, and give Word a moment or two to comply.
  • Press Shift+F5 to return to your last edit in the document.

Add Repaginate Command to Ribbon

If you need to force repagination on a regular basis, add the Repaginate command to a convenient keyboard shortcut or ribbon, as described here:

  1. Choose File > Options to open the Word Options dialog box
  2. Click the Customize Ribbon from the left pane.
  3. Click “Commands Not in the Ribbon” in the “Choose commands from” list.
  4. Add the Repaginate command from the left-hand list to the Tab on which you want it to appear. For example, add it to the Home tab.
    Note: Before adding the Repaginate command on a Tab, you must create a new group by clicking the New Group button.
  5. Close the Word Options dialog box.

The next time you exit Word, save your Normal template if Word prompts you to do so. Read more on Customize Ribbon tutorial.