Microsoft Word

Transfer AutoCorrect Entries to Another Computer

Learn how to transfer your AutoCorrect list from one computer to another computer.

I’ve built a great AutoCorrect list but now I’ve got a new computer that doesn’t have it. How can I transfer the entries? There are several possible fixes here. Word stores your AutoCorrect entries in two locations:

The unformatted AutoCorrect entries are stored in a text file with an .ACL extension in the Application Data\Microsoft\Office folder in your user profile. (To open path to the folder, type %userprofile%\Application Data\Microsoft\Office in taskbar’s search box or in the address bar of file explorer, and then press Enter.) The file is named MSOnnnn.ACL, where nnnn matches the code for the language you’re using. For U.S. English, the code is 1033, so the file is named MSO1033.ACL.

Formatted AutoCorrect entries are stored in Normal.dotm, which is in your user templates folder. (See, Working with Normal.dotm.)

Once you know that, you can simply copy the .ACL file and Normal.dotm to the appropriate folders on your new computer.