Microsoft Word

Adding Objects

How to embed or link PDF files, charts, presentations, notes, worksheets, audio and video clips that you want to include as part of a document.

To link or embed objects in your document, click the Object command, which is available in the Text group on the Insert tab.

Object dialog box

The Object dialog box has two tabs, Create New and Create from File:

Create New
Use this if you want to add a new object to your Word document. Choose the type of object you want to create from the Object type list and Word launches the associated program. For example, choosing Microsoft Excel Chart launches the Microsoft Excel program. Check the Display as icon box if you want the object to be displayed as an icon.

Create from File
Choose this if you want to add an object you’ve already created in a different file.

You can select the Link to file check box to maintain a link to the original file. This way, if you make changes to that source file, they will be reflected in your document.

Microsoft Word uses OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) technology to maintain a link to the original file. So, any changes you make in the source file are reflected in your Word document as well.

Linking vs. embedding

So what’s the difference between linking and embedding?

  • When an object is linked to your file, the object isn’t actually stored in the Word document. A link is maintained so that if the source file for the object changes, the changes will be reflected in your document.
  • When an object is embedded in your document, the source of the object is stored within your Word document.
  • Linking is helpful when you want to keep the size of the document small.
  • Use embedding objects if the file size is not an issue.
  • When you embed an object, the object is stored within the Word document which increases the document size.
  • Embedding is a way to guarantee that the object is available when using the Word document.